Day 4
Today I stumbled into the complex realization that several of what I've considered to be foundational components of myself no longer hold...
an almost daily practice - something between prose and poetry
Today I stumbled into the complex realization that several of what I've considered to be foundational components of myself no longer hold...
This evening I found myself in a park by my little town's busiest intersection, turning my face to the breeze, watching the grass blades...
Today my contradictions weighed heavy on my mind... My love for mornings VS drooped eyelids and contempt for a late-rising sun. My...
Hey, my name is Casey
Most who know me well know that I am an avid photographer and lover of art. I also love to paint, and there is a special place in my heart for the written word.
I had the idea of creating this space only recently. And if I'm wildly transparent, I don't have a clue what sort of shape it may take. What I do know is that W(O/A)NDER, however corny or cliché it may sound, takes the often-married acts of physical exploration and reflective thought and gives them a place to live together.